
The Future of Interpersonal Skill Training: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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The Future of Interpersonal Skill Training: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

By Dr. Gale Lucas Will AI provide such training? As virtual role-players? Perhaps even more? From Futurists and Science Fiction writers to Computer Scientists and Engineers, people predict that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a big role in shaping our future.  Some play on our fears that these mechanical counterparts...

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Real Talk from a Working Mom: Regain Your Sanity with Practical Advice

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Real Talk from a Working Mom:  Regain Your Sanity with Practical Advice

By Dr. Brittany Linde Working moms can benefit from letting go of perfection, asking for help, unwinding, and learning to say “No.”   You already have so much to do. You may be responsible for the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry. Maybe your partner does some of the household chores;...

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Community: Heroes in Everyday Life

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Community: Heroes in Everyday Life

Community: Heroes in Everyday Life This article co-authored by OWLS staff (Brittany Linde and Gale Lucas)   Heroes stand up for others in their community. When a community member has an accident or gets into any other emergency situation, a hero rises to the occasion. Heroes have to overcome many...

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Which is more important for commitment: Safety or growth?

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Which is more important for commitment: Safety or growth?

Which is more important for commitment: Safety or growth? By Gale Lucas  Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans. ~ Peter F. Drucker Commitment is important to achieving success. We need to be committed to our career and our relationships if we want these...

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Do you know the 5 Cs of Resilience?

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Do you know the 5 Cs of Resilience?

Are you resilient? Do you know the 5 Cs of resilience? Click the video below to hear Dr. Joel Bennett speak about resilience and the 5 Cs. The YouTube page gives special access to a resilience assessment! Enjoy!

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Compassion: The Do’s and Dont’s of Donation

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Compassion: The Do’s and Dont’s of Donation

Compassion: The Do's And Don'ts of Donation This article co-authored by OWLS staff (Gale Lucas and Michael Hudson) Compassion is a cornerstone of resilience because of how it deeply connects us to others. At the same time, as with other elements of resilience (like confidence), we must be wise in...

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Confidence: The root of success... can it also lead to failure?

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Confidence: The root of success... can it also lead to failure?

By Dr. Gale Lucas, Director of Research Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable. ~ Coco Chanel Confidence is an essential part of how we succeed. In order to persevere in the face of challenges, we need confidence to overcome said challenges. Those...

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Workplace prevention of prescription Drug Misuse: Learning from a Psycho-educational Program

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Workplace prevention of prescription Drug Misuse: Learning from a Psycho-educational Program

RECENT RESEARCH (April, 2017) Authors: Joel B. Bennett, Gale M. Lucas, Michael A. Neeper SUMMARY OF PRESENTATION This presentation at the 2017 Society for Personality and Social Psychology provided detail on the structure of the intervention and results in three areas. The presentation was titled “Workplace prevention of prescription drug...

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OWLS Programs Recognized by U.S. Surgeon General

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OWLS Programs Recognized by U.S. Surgeon General
The first ever Surgeon General’s report on “Facing Addiction in America” came out recently (November, 2016). It cited OWLS evidence-based programs, Team Awareness and Team Resilience, as the only ones that met their criteria for effectiveness for workplace prevention.

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Centering: Mindfulness 101 and Meditation – Not just for Hippies, I promise

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Centering: Mindfulness 101 and Meditation – Not just for Hippies, I promise
mindfulness = centering = self-acceptance = allowing goofy thought

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The Audacity of Wholeness: Part 1 (19 Tips)

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The Audacity of Wholeness: Part 1 (19 Tips)
It is time to promote social wholeness with mindful dialogue. The world needs it. Be audacious. Society is waiting. This is a broad appeal to those working in the area of well-being. Yes, that includes mental health. Best solutions require fully understanding the problem. The problem is one of fragmentation, divisiveness, alienation and—because of this—ultimately, pain. Psychic pain.

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Personalized Avatars for Everyone

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Personalized Avatars for Everyone
Should everyone in your organization have their own avatar for training simulations? Organizations are increasingly using online or virtual training for various purposes,from compliance or ethics trainings to leadership training. As the technology used to provide these trainings advances, more of these training applications employ scenarios or simulated situations in which users can practice the principles that they learned. These simulations often depict the user though an avatar – an in-simulation representation of the user.

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Savoring: Your “To Do” for the Day

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Savoring: Your “To Do” for the Day

What is on your 'savoring list' for the weekend? What do you hear when you hear the word “savoring”? Maybe you relate it to food or drinks, such as savoring a tasty morsel or a fine glass of red wine. But what else can be savored? How can you incorporate...

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Putting Learning and Wellness Together

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Putting Learning and Wellness Together

Authored by: David Steed (OWLS) The time has come for organizations to capitalize on the synergistic relationship between well-being and learning. Well-Being and Learning are rarely mentioned in the same sentence. At least not in their respective fields of Workplace Wellness and Learning & Development (L&D). And yet, these two...

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Are There Robots in the Future of Wellness?

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Are There Robots in the Future of Wellness?

By Dr. Gale Lucas, OWLS Director of Research Protect the children because they – and robots – are the future. ~ Adam Carolla From Futurists and Science Fiction writers to Computer Scientists and Engineers (and even comedians), people predict robots will play a big role in shaping our future. Some...

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Culture, Climate...Blah Blah Blah!

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Culture, Climate...Blah Blah Blah!

So we have been doing a whole lotta shakin' in our little world of research. Want to see what shook out? (click image below) So many "thought leaders" spend time make distinctions between climate and culture. Let's get to work positively influencing them.

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Grit: The good. The bad. The undetermined.

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Grit: The good. The bad. The undetermined.

On Grit and Intelligence: Perseverance is a principle that should be commendable in those who have judgment to govern it.  ~ Mark Twain We value grit - perseverance in the face of challenges - in society. We say “never quit” and applaud those who persist despite adversity. American heroes pull themselves...

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Psychological Safety Eats Culture (and Wellness) For Lunch

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Psychological Safety Eats Culture (and Wellness) For Lunch

"Being able to share ideas and engage meaningfully with coworkers in local teams, crews, and work groups is probably the most important driver of culture, engagement, performance and also personal well-being, all of these together.  If you had to do one thing to enhance all of those areas train work...

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